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Introduced on behalf of the enterprise

I, on behalf of the enterprise-based R D outsourcing

Nanjing Chuanbo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in August 2003 incorporated in the high-tech zones, with a registered capital of 12,000,000 yuan, is a Ph.D. from abroad and domestic scientists co-founder of the biotechnology business. Chuanbo to have a biological foreign experts and overseas students as the main body and doctorate or master's degrees composition of the technical backbone of the team. The company is committed to research and development of anti-antibody protein phosphorylation, after 3 years of research and development, has succeeded in building a development of the anti-protein phosphorylation antibody technology platform, has developed 17 kinds of cell signaling pathway in the 638 kinds of anti-phosphorylation Protein antibodies, 73 of which for the first time on the international success of the development of the antibody products, products have been sold in the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany and Japan more than 20 countries. Annual output value reached 125 million. Science and Technology Development Zone Company and established a joint venture center "of the Nanjing International Antibody Engineering Research Center," the company for long-term development strategy that antibody drug research platform for international cooperation.

Second, the production of medical equipment on behalf of the enterprise

Minimally invasive Nanjing Medical Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in interventional stent lumen, a one-time sterile digestive endoscope, and so on endoscopic biopsy forceps the annex to the research and development of products and production sales. Own more than 10 patents, the Ministry of Health is "100 10-year plan to" bear the unit, China is the birthplace of the one-time biopsy forceps. The company has 1500 in line with the GMP requirements of 10,000 square meters clean workshop, is currently the only shop in the clean production of the stent business. Company sales in 2007 amounted to 100,000,000 yuan.

Third, medicine, health products on behalf of the production-oriented enterprises

Kang Hae Medicine Co., Ltd. Nanjing (formerly Nanking Zhenzhong Biological Engineering Co., Ltd.), the main product is Lentinan Nanjing in a row to support the eight years of their own intellectual property rights of high-tech products. The products have more than 80% of the domestic market, with an annual output capacity of 650,000, the output value reached 80,000,000 yuan. The other two companies - taxol liposomes and selegiline hydrochloride in the next two years will create a production value of 50,000,000 yuan. The company is "Lentinan freeze-dried powder", "amifostine injection", "paclitaxel liposome components" has been an international PCT patent applications and has the United States, Japan, Russia, India, Thailand, the European Union Multi-national patent applications.

High-tech Zone of bioengineering and medicine industry with the times, the industry continues to prosper and grow in 2010 and bio-medical engineering science and technology park planning area will be 5.2 square kilometers, 200 enterprises to join in annual sales 20,000,000,000 yuan . Chinese medicine and bio-technology park for a leading innovation-driven, and increase input in research funding, to foster a number of market competitiveness and self-development capacity of the backbone of the new entity; at the same time establish and improve the research and development, pilot production technology platform. With mice research advantage of the resources of the library resources, biological targeting information technology, biomedical engineering, gene therapy technology to carry out industrialization of research work, at home and abroad to introduce genetic engineering-related fields of research and development institutions to further biomedical park in Nanjing to play the "three drug "Model Base of new drugs and the role of R D base, to build a unique national biomedical research base.

Focus on the future development of the field

① biological information technology, bio-chip technology, biomedical engineering, gene therapy, cell therapy, such as the industrialization of research. Focus on the development of bio-informatics research and development platform, biological diagnostic chips, cellular immune therapy drugs, monoclonal antibody diagnostic reagents, genetic engineering drugs and vaccines and other products.

② Chinese medicine and natural medicine quality standard certification technology; ingredient extraction, separation, purification, micro technology; active ingredients of Chinese medicine screening, the study of lead compounds, controlled-release technology of proprietary Chinese medicines, transdermal absorption of technology and targeted drug delivery technology And the development of Chinese medicine capsules, effervescent tablets, injections, pills, tablets, oral solution, and other new agents.

③ priority to the development of pharmaceutical chemical release, controlled release, targeted drug delivery technology and other modern technology. For cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease, kidney disease and hepatitis, multiple illnesses, development, with the introduction of advanced technology at home and abroad of new drugs.



目前常规开展各种先天性心脏病的矫治手术、各种心脏瓣膜置换和成型手术;在微创心脏搭桥、心脏移植、主动脉瘤和主动脉夹层的急症手术(全弓置换+支架象鼻)、重症心脏多瓣膜手术、梗阻性肥厚性心肌病手术、迷宫手术治疗房颤、ECMO心肺支持等方面更具专科特色,自2007以来每年心血管手术量已超过1000例;完成18例心脏移植手术,首例心脏移植病人已正常存活9年。完成各类心脏搭桥3000余例,成功率达98%以上,能完成卫生部所规定的三甲医院所要求的所有甲、乙类手术。 南京市第一医院心血管内科为国家级重点学科、江苏省医学重点学科、南京医科大学重点学科、南京市临床重点专科、首批卫生部冠心病介入诊疗培训基地、国家级药物临床试验基地、江苏省心血管药物临床试验服务中心,硕博士培养点。科室现有高级专业技术职称人员15名,硕、博士生导师9名,硕、博士32名,床位162张。






4、门诊工作量及病人来源:科室每年门诊量约为5.6万人次。 每年以8%左右的速度递增。主要收治城南地区、部分郊县及邻近省市的大量皮肤病、性病患者。

5、承担南医大及省职医大的理论教学,承担各医学院校的实习带教及进修生的带教。 男,主任医师,教授,硕士生导师,1998年调入南京市第一医院心内科工作至今,全心全意服务于患者,努力引进、应用、研究新技术。1998年在江苏省及国内率先开展急性心肌梗塞的急诊介入治疗,组建了国内多中心,成果获江苏省科技进步二等奖。同年积极引进二项冠心病介入治疗的新技术??经皮切割球囊成形术与冠状动脉内超声,其研究成果分别获江苏省科技进步三等奖及省卫生厅新技术引进二等奖。1999年开展了静脉包被支架的实验及临床研究,论文发表在中国循环杂志(2000年9月)。并陆续在国内和省内开展了如下几项最新介入治疗技术:先心病介入治疗,肥厚性心肌病化学消蚀术,急性夹层动脉瘤及胸腹主动脉病的介入治疗。

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